Dec 22 2024

How to treat Acne Scar

Acne is the scientific term for what we normally call pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or nodules that form on the face, chest, upper back or shoulders. Acne sufferers experience persistent, recurring reddish blemishes on the face, chest, shoulders, neck, upper back or buttocks. When these blemishes are spots that have a dark, open center, they are called blackheads. Whiteheads are spots that bulge under the skin and have no opening. Pimples, on the other hand, are whiteheads that rupture. The boil-like lumps are called nodules. It is believed to be the result of an overproduction of sebum, a waxy substance that lubricates the skin. The sebum may plug a hair follicle, bacteria grows inside the blocked follicle resulting in an inflammation. This can result in a pimple, or in rare cases, a boil or a cyst. Acne is an outbreak of many pimples, blackheads, etc.

Acne scars
The redness of acne scarring will dissipate in congruence with health of the body.  If the body is not property nourished and cared for, the healing process will take longer.

The skin is the last organ the body cares for when other things are going on inside of the body.   The internal organs always get top priority.  It is crucial to continue to feed the skin with good blood and oxygen flow.  You will want to increase the circulation without stimulating the oil glands.  This is best achieved by applying an appropriate mask for skin with acne two to three times per week.  This assists in feeding the cells from within and accelerates the healing process.  Professional salon peeling of the skin aids in the healing process by forcing the skin to lay down additional collagen.

Good hygiene is paramount when treating acne.  Watch out for hidden germs waiting for a host on which to feed.  Be sure that pillowcases are changes and washed frequently.  Phone receivers need to be wiped frequently with alcohol.  Both of these precautionary steps help to prevent the spread of bacteria.

Alkaline diet
Keeping the diet more alkaline is helpful during the healing process.  This simply means lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, some salmon and elimination of all sugars and white flours these products interfere with the production of white blood cells, which area essential in the healing of the skin.  Food high in fat slow down circulation and the possible healing process.  Diary products seem to be worst culprit.  Not only cut down on circulation, but they also leave mucus residue on the walls on the colon.  This mucus traps undigested food matter which becomes decomposed and reabsorbed by the body.  This is taxing to the immune system.  Spicy foods will only make the scars more pronounced in redness.  An alkaline diet aids the healing process by boosting the immune system.

Water intake
Let’s not forget about hydration and flushing the systems of toxins.  It is important that the consumption of water be adequate for the size of the person.  This would mean at 4 oz of water for every 10 pounds of body weight.  Increase this amount by a least a third for every 20 minutes of strenuous exercise or extended periods in the sun.  Water helps rinse the body of toxins and takes some o the load off the immune system.  And once again, a healthy immune system means faster healing.  Whenever one makes a dietary change, one should expect to see a difference in 90 days.  I know that it may seem like a long time, but the body has lots of cleansing to do and these things do not happen overnight.  Sometimes the skin can actually get worse before it gets better so be prepared for that response in case it should happen, and hang in there for the future positive results.

Common sense care:

  • Wash the affected area twice a day. Do not scrub.
  • Shampoo the hair regularly.
  • Keep long hair off the face and shoulders and wash it daily.
  • Avoid shaving as much as possible; when shaving takes care to avoid nicking the pimples. Use a fresh shaving blade to minimize the chance of spreading the infection.
  • If you have to wear make-up, use only the hypoallergenic, non-comedegonic or fragrance free kind.
  • Don’t pop, pick, scratch, or squeeze your pimples. This may cause infection and scarring.
  • Change Pillow Case and Shower Towel every day

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